Barlett, R.F.

Soldier:  Robert Franklin Bartlett

Regiment:  96th. OVI       

Company:  D  

Age:  22           

Date Entering Service:  August 21, 1862

Period of Service:  3 years

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed):

Wounded January 11, 1863 in Battle of Arkansas Post.  Wounded November 3, 1863 in Battle of Grand Coteau, Louisiana.  Left arm amputated.  Discharged January 25, 1864 at New Orleans, Louisiana

Battles in which he fought:

Chickasaw Bluff, Mississippi                    December 28, 29, 1862

Arkansas Post, Arkansas             January 11, 1863

Siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi   May 18 – July 4, 1863

Jackson, Mississippi                               July 9-16, 1863

Grand Coteau, Louisiana            November 3, 1863

Other interesting information discovered:

Robert’s younger brother, John Bartlett was killed at the Battle of Chickamauga, Georgia on September 19, 1863.

Date of Death:  July, 1912

Place of burial:  Rivercliff Cemetery, Mt. Gilead, Ohio

Researcher:  Zach Greene and Anna Drouhard Greene


Barlett, R.F

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