Benedict, S.V.

Soldier:  Sylvester V. Benedict

Regiment:  88th. OVI                             

Company:  K

Age:  29                                               

Date Entering Service:  7/29/1864

Period of Service:  3 months

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed):

Mustered out with Company 7/3/1865

Battles in which he fought:

This Regiment was originally organized of a Battalion of four Companies organized t Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio from September 24 to October 27, 1862, to serve three years and designated “First Battalion Governors Guard”.

Six new Companies were organized at Camp Chase from July 24 to August 3, 1863 to serve three years and consolidated with this battalion and designated the 88th Ohio Volunteers. It mustered out of service on July 3, 1865.

This Regiment was principally engaged in guarding Rebel prisoners at Camp Chase. It was also engaged in the pursuit of Morgan’s Raiders and the suppression of the Holmes County Rebellion , July 1863.

Other interesting information discovered:

Sylvester Benedict was born in Marion, Ohio on 12/20/1834. He married Louisa Curren in Morrow County, Ohio on 11/2/1855, nine children were born of this union.  Sylvester was a farmer who lived in the Cardington, Ohio area all of his life.  Louisa collected a widow’s pension on 8/7/1890.

Date of Death:  2/20/1885                     Place of burial:  Woodlawn Cemetery Cardington, Ohio

Adopted By:  Gompf Monuments                                            Researcher: Velda L Montgomery

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