Christy, Wm.

Soldier:  William Christy

Regiment:  64th. OVI                 

Company:  C    

Age:  18           

Date Entering Service:  October 11, 1861

Period of Service:  3 months

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed)

Discharged January 14, 1864 at Chattanooga, Tenn., re-enlisted and then finally discharged on October 3, 1865 at Camp Dennison, Ohio.  William Christy stated that he was never wounded.

Battles in which he fought:

Chickamauga, Ga.                                              Sept.19, 20 1863

Chattanooga, Tenn.                                           Nov. 23-25, 1863

Mission Ridge, Tenn.                                          Nov. 25, 1863

Rocky Face Ridge, Ga.                            May 5-9, 1864

Resaca, Ga.                                                        May 13-16, 1864

Adairsville, Ga.                                       May 17, 18, 1864

Dallas, Ga.                                                         May 25-June 4, 1864

Kenesaw Mountain, Ga.                         June 9-30, 1864

Peach Tree Creek, Ga.                            July 20, 1864

Siege of Atlanta                                                 July 28-Sept. 2, 1864

Jonesboro, Ga.                                      Aug. 31-Sept. 2, 1864

Lovejoy Station                                     Ga., Sept. 2-6, 1864

Spring Hill, Tenn.                                               Nov. 30, 1864

Franklin, Tenn.                                       Nov. 30, 1864

Nashville, Tenn.                                     Dec. 15, 16, 1864

Other interesting information discovered:

He stated that those events deemed most important included taking part in the Battle of Chickamauga, Franklin  and Stone River, and “the night I was rear guard when the army fell back from Mission Ridge to Chattanooga.  He was a color bearer.

Regiment lost during service 14 Officers and 188 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 160 Enlisted men by disease. Total 363.

Date of Death:  February 28, 1915            Place of burial:  Glendale Cemetery, Cardington, OH

Adopted By:  Village of Cardington                                                                               

Researcher:  Patrick Drouhard


Christy, Wm.

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