Ingmire, D.L.

Soldier:  David L Ingmire

Regiment:  174th OVI                            Company:  A   

Age:  18                        Date Entering Service:  8/17/1864

Period of Service:  10 months

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed):

Discharged on 6/9/1865 at Louisville, Kentucky by order of the War Department

Battles in which he fought:

Battle of Overall’s Creek, Tennessee                                           12/4/1864

Battle of the Cedards, Tennessee                                    12/5/1864

Battle of Wyse Fork, North Carolina                                            3/7/1865

Other interesting information discovered:

David L Ingmire was born in Somerset, Ohio in September 1847.   David lived in the Lincoln Township are of Morrow County before the War.  He died in 1869. His mother, Clarissa B Ingmire collected his pension on 7/25/1885. David’s father, Thomas Ingmire collected the pension upon Clarissa’ death in 1884.

Date of Death:  12/22/1869                   Place of burial:  Glendale Cemetery, Cardington, Ohio

Adopted By: Keith Richey                                               Researcher:  Velda L Montgomery

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