Sherman, Fortunate

Soldier:  Fortunatus Sherman

Regiment:  96th OVI                              

Company:         C

Age:       30                   

Date Entering Service:  8/11/1862

Period of Service:  6 months 2 days

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed):

Died of disease at Young's Point, Louisiana on 2/13/1863

Battles in which he fought:

Battle of Chickasaw Bluffs, Mississippi                 12/28 to 29/1862

Battle of Arkansas Post, Arkansas                                    1/11/1863

Other interesting information discovered:

Fortunatus  Sherman was born on 1/12/1833 in Marion, Ohio. He married Amanda Bacon in Morrow County on 11/9/1854, two children were born of this union. Fortunatus was a farmer living in the Cardington and Claridon, Ohio area.

Date of Death:  2/13/1863                                   Place of burial:  Unknown

            Young's Point, Louisiana

Adopted By:                                                      Researcher:  Velda L Montgomery

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