Virtual Tails and Tales!

Can't make it to our in-person Summer Reading events?  No problem! 

Check out these videos, then stop by the library to grab some books or check out some of the suggested audio- and ebooks to learn more about the animals featured.  All you need to access the digital books is your library card.  If you don't already have a Cardington library (or other COOL library) card, you can, of course, stop by the library and sign up for a card for free but the Ohio Digital Library (ODL) also lets you sign up for an ODL digital card for free!


*The live feed cams at Monterey Bay Aquarium run 10A-10P EST / 7A-7P PST*

Moon Jelly Cam at Monterey Bay Aquarium

Books about jellyfish


Coastal Wetlands of the Great Lakes

Books about wetlands


Brooks Falls at Katmai National Park, Alaska

Books about national parks in Alaska

Books about bears


Zoo School at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium

Check out all 28 videos to learn more about the animals at the Columbus Zoo!

Books about zoo animals


Tsavo East National Park, Kenya

Books about african wildlife


Tour a Pig Farm

Books about pigs


African Penguins at Monterey Bay Aquarium

Books about penguins


Shark Cam at Monterey Bay Aquarium

Books about sharks


Sea Otters at the Marine Mammal Rescue

Books about otters


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