Bennett, I.M.

Soldier:  Isaac Melville Bennett

Regiment:  174th. OVI                           

Company:  A

Age:  18                                               

Date Entering Service:  6/28/1864

Period of Service:  1 year

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed):

Mustered out on 6/15/1865 by order of the War Department at Beaufort, North Carolina

Battles in which he fought:

Battle of Overall’s Creek, Tennessee                                           12/4/1864

Battle of the Cedars, Tennessee                                     12/5/1864

Battle of Wyse Fork, North Carolina                                            3/5/1865

Other interesting information discovered:

Isaac Melville Bennett was born in Cardington, Ohio on 10/24/1847.  After the War, Isaac moved to Illinois where he became a farmer. Isaac marred Emily Ann Austin in 1877, two children were born of this union. Isaac collected an invalid’s pension in March of 1880. Emily collected a widow’s pension on 11/2/1911.

Date of Death:  10/27/1911                   Place of burial:  Tower Hill Cemetery, Tower Hill, Illinois

Adopted By:  Charlie and Christine Long                         Researcher:  Velda L Montgomery

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