Bennett, S.C.

Soldier:  Sergeant Simon C. Bennett

Regiment:  3rd. OVI                   

Company:  I

Age:  22                       

Date Entering Service:  June 15, 1861

Period of Service:  3 years

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed):

Discharged for wounds received at the Battle of Perryville, Kentucky on Oct. 8, 1862

Battles in which he fought:

Middle Creek Fork, WVa.                                   July 6, 1861

Rich Mountain, WVa.                                         July 11, 1861

Elkwater, W.Va.                                     Sept. 11, 1861

Bridgeport, Al.                                                   April 29, 1862

Perryville, Ky.                                                     Oct. 8, 1862

Other interesting information discovered:

Samuel Bennett returned to Cardington after the war, where he lived for the remainder of his life.  He and his wife Rebecca lived on Morgan Street in Cardington.

Date of Death:  1923              Place of burial:  Glendale Cemetery, Cardington, Ohio

Adopted By:                                                     Researcher:  Patrick Drouhard

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