Cender, D.F.

Soldier:  David Cender

Regiment:  49th. OVI                 

Company:  G   

Age:  25           

Date Entering Service:  October 8, 1862

Period of Service:  9 months

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed):

Drafted, mustered out July 25, 1863 at Tullahoma, Tenn. on expiration of term of service.

Battles in which he fought:

McMinville Pike

Liberty Gap and one skirmish

Other interesting information discovered:

David Cender was born in Germany.

Regiment lost during service 14 Officers and 188 Enlisted men killed and mortally wounded and 1 Officer and 160 Enlisted men by disease. Total 363.

Date of Death:  May 7, 1912            Place of burial:  Old Leo Cemetery, Leo-Cederville, Ind.

Adopted by:  The Village of Cardington

Researcher:  Patrick Drouhard


Cender, D.F.


Source URL: https://www.cardingtonlibrary.org/content/cender-df