Devore, Adam

Soldier:  Adam Devore

Regiment:  3rd. OVI                   

Company:  I

Age:  21                       

Date Entering Service:  April 26, 1861

Period of Service:  90 days, and then 3 years

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed):

Mustered out on June 15, 1861 and then June 21, 1864

Battles in which he fought:

Middle Creek Fork, WVa                        July 6, 1861

Rich Mountain, WVa                                          July 11, 1861

Elkwater, W.Va.                                     Sept. 11, 1861

Bridgeport, Al.                                                   April 29, 1862

Perryville, Ky.                                                     Oct. 8, 1862

Stone River, Tenn.                                             Dec. 31, 1862

Sand Mountain, Ala.                                          April 30, 1863

Black Warrior Creek, Ala.                        May 1, 1863

Blount’s Farm, Ala.                                             May 2,  1863

Other interesting information discovered:

Adam Devore grew up living in Lincoln Township, Morrow County Ohio.  By 1910 he was living in Lane, Kansas.

Date of Death:  Feb. 19, 1912                 Place of burial:  Lane Cemetery, Lane, Kansas

Adopted By:  James Patterson                            Researcher:  Patrick Drouhard

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