Frost, Ed.


Soldier:  Edwin Frost

Regiment:  96th. OVI       

Company:  C  

Age:  23           

Date Entering Service:  August 7, 1862

Period of Service:  3 years

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed):

Edwin Frost died of disease at Memphis, Tennessee on December 30, 1862.  He left behind his 23 year-old wife Sarah, two year-old son Charles and five month old daughter Laura.

Battles in which he fought:

Edwin Frost was sick and died before his regiment was engaged in any battles.

Other interesting information discovered:

A number of Cardington Township veterans of the 96th. OVI are listed on the soldiers’ monument.  Frost was listed not with his regiment, but under “other regiments.”  This was probably because he died during the war.  His widow filed for a soldier’s pension in February, 1865.

Date of Death:  December 30, 1862

Place of burial:  Memphis National Cemetery, Memphis, Tennessee.

Researcher:  Patrick Drouhard, on behalf of Mike and Karen Goebbel

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