Mann, Jasper

Soldier:  Jasper Mann

Regiment:  3rd. Ohio Infantry          Company:  I    

                  174th. Ohio Infantry                        A

Age:  18

Date Entering Service:  4/25/1861

Period of Service:  3 months in 3rd. Ohio

                              1 year in 174th. Ohio

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed):  Discharged from Ohio 3rd on 6/15/1861. Reduced from sergeant on 6/17/1865. Discharged from Ohio 174th on 6/28/1865.  Jasper was wounded during the war suffering a gunshot wound to his back and left side. He also lost the thumb and index finger of his right hand.


Battles in which he fought:

Battle of Rich Mountain, West Virginia                 6/11/1861

Battle of Elkwater, West Virginia                          9/11/1861

Battle of Bridgeport, Alabama                              4/27/1862

Battle of Perrysburg, Kentucky                            10/8/1862

Battle of Stone River, Tennessee                         12/31/1862

Battle of Sand Mountain, Alabama                       4/30/1863

Action at Overall’s Creek, Tennessee                   12/4/1864

Occupation of Kinston, North Carolina                 3/8/1864

Occupation of Goldsboro, North Carolina              March thru April 1865

Occupation of Raleigh, North Carolina                 4/13/1865


Other interesting information discovered:  Jasper Mann was born in Cardington, Ohio in May of 1843. He married Julia White on 9/4/1865, nine children were born of this union.  Jasper and his wife moved to Marshall County, Indiana sometime near 1880 where they are found living in Center Township. He was employed as a farmer and grain thrasher during his lifetime. Jasper was living at the U S National Home for Volunteers Soldiers in Dayton Ohio in 1910.  Jasper received an invalid’s pension on 6/24/1880, his wife, Julia received a widow’s pension on 12/15/1911

Date of Death:  10/4/1911

Place of burial:  Arlington National Cemetery, Virginia.

Adopted By:  In memory of Ronald Coleman

Researcher:  Velda L Montgomery

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