Miller, L.R.

Soldier:  Sergeant Lewis R. Miller

Regiment:  3rd. OVC                 

Company:  M

Age:  21                       

Date Entering Service:  Sept. 8, 1861, at Monroeville, Ohio

Period of Service:  3 years

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed):

Appointed corporal Oct. 8, 1861.  On detached duty at Columbus June 23, 1863.  Mustered out Aug. 10, 1865 at Columbus.

Battles in which he fought:

Bardstown, Ky.                                      Oct. 4, 1862

Lexington, Ky.                                                   Oct. 7, 1862

Stone River, Tenn.                                             Dec. 31, 1862

Stewart’s Creek, Tenn.                           Jan. 1, 1863

Middleton, Tenn.                                               Jan. 31, 1863

Other interesting information discovered:

While living in Morrow County for most of his life, Lewis Miller died at San Diego, California.  He was buried in Dodge City, Kansas.

Date of Death: 1924                              Place of burial:  Maple Grove Cemetery, Dodge City, Kansas

Adopted By:                                                     Researcher:  Patrick Drouhard

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