Nixon, Levi

Soldier:  Levi Nixon

Regiment:  96th. OVI

Company:  E

Age:  27

Date Entering Service:  August 6, 1862

Period of Service:  3 Years

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed):  Mustered out on March 15, 1864;  transferred to 120th. OVI, Company C.  Mustered out on June 29, 1865 at Evansville, Ind.

Battles in which he fought:

Chickasaw Bluffs, Miss.                      Dec. 28-29, 1862

Arkansas Post, Ark.                            Jan. 11, 1863

Vicksburg, Miss.                                 May 18-July 4, 1863

Jackson, Miss.                                   July 9-16, 1863

Grand Coteau, La.                             Nov. 3, 1863

Other interesting information discovered:  Levi Nixon was born in Cardington Township and resided in the area at the start of the war.  In 1859 he married Louisa Malcom.  In 1870 the family was living at Bogle, Missouri;  by 1900 Boone, Oklahoma and 1910 North Choctaw, Oklahoma.

Date of Death:  December 9, 1912

Place of burial: White Dove Cemetery, Sparks, OK.

Researcher:  Patrick Drouhard

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