Oliver, H.

Soldier:  Henry Oliver

Regiment:  36th. OVI

Company:  F

Age:  18

Date Entering Service:  March 31, 1864

Period of Service:  3 years

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed):  Henry Oliver was wounded on July 24, 1864 at the Battle of Winchester, Virginia.  He sustained a severe wound his left arm, which was amputated.  He died of his wounds at Frederick, Md. on August 18, 1864.

Battles in which he fought:

Cloyd’s Mountain, Va.                             May 9-10, 1864

Lynchburg, Va.                                        June 17-18, 1864

Kennesaw Mt., Ga.                                   June 27, 1864

Cabletown, Va.                                       July 15, 1864

Charleston, WVa.                                   July 19, 1864

Kearnstown, Va.                                     July 23, 1864

Winchester, Va.                                      July 24, 1864

Other interesting information discovered:  Henry Oliver was the youngest of three brothers from Cardington that fought in the war.  His oldest brother, Jasper “Newton” Oliver was killed at the battle of Chickamauga, Ga.  Another brother, Smith Oliver survived the war.

Date of Death:  August 18, 1864

Place of burial:  Presumed Frederick, Md.

Adopted By:  Rick and Linda Fryman

Researcher:   Patrick Drouhard

Source URL: https://www.cardingtonlibrary.org/content/oliver-h