Russell, O.P.

Soldier:  Oliver P Russell

Regiment:  147th. OVI                

Company:  G

Age:  37                       

Date Entering Service:  May 2, 1864

Period of Service:  3 months 28 days

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed):

Mustered out at Camp Dennison, Ohio on August 30, 1864.

Battles in which he fought:

The Ohio 147th. Infantry organized at Camp Dennison, Ohio on May 16, 1864 to serve 100 days duty at Fort Ethan Allen in Washington City, then to Fort Marcy on to guard duty at Division Headquarters. On June 11,1864 ordered to Fort Reno marching as far as Fort Stevens the 147th. moved into trenches as a support to the First Maine and First Ohio Batteries where they remained until July 4, 1864 when they returned to Fort Ethan Allen and on to Fort Ethan Allen where period of service expired.

Other interesting information discovered:

Oliver Russell was born in Ohio on Sept. 29, 1826. He married Lucretia Kerr on Nov. 22, 1826. Two children are listed with Oliver and Lucretia in Monroe, Ohio in 1850.   Oliver was employed during his lifetime as a real estate agent and farmer. In 1900 he is found living in Troy, Ohio and listed as the Justice of the Peace at the age of 74.

Date of Death:  February 3, 1905             Place of burial:  Riverside Cemetery, Troy, Ohio

Adopted By:                                                     Researcher:  Velda L. Montgomery



Russell, O.P.

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