Wilson, G.D.

Soldier:  Columbus Delano Wilson

Regiment:  198Th. OVI                           

Company:  C

Age:  18                       

Date Entering Service:  April 4, 1865

Period of Service:  1 month 4 days

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed):

Discharged on May 8, 1865 at Camp Bradford, Baltimore, Maryland

Battles in which he fought:

The Regiment composed of eight companies, organized at Camp Chase, Columbus, Ohio from April 17 to April 27, 1865 to serve one year, before the maximum time was reached the ‘Confederacy” collapsed and the Regiment was mustered out on May 8, 1865 in accordance with the War Department.

Other interesting information discovered:

Columbus Delano Wilson was born in 1847 in Knox County Ohio. He married Elizabeth McCune on December 23, 1872 in Morrow County.  Four children were born of this union. Columbus lived and farmed in Morrow County.

Date of Death:  January 13, 1887            Place of burial:  Glendale Cemetery, Cardington, Ohio


Adopted By:  Morrow County Veteran Services               Researcher:  Velda L Montgomery

Source URL: https://www.cardingtonlibrary.org/content/wilson-gd