Singer, G.S.

Soldier:  George Samuel Singer

Regiment:         96th OVI                       

Company:  C    

Age:       24                   

Date Entering Service:  7/25/1862

Period of Service:  2 years 9 months 4 days

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed):

Promoted to Fifth Sergeant on 11/181/1864 and transferred to Company B. Hospitalized on 7/27/1863 in Memphis, Tennessee. Discharged at Mobile, Alabama on 4/29/1865

Battles in which he fought:

Battle of Chickasaw Bluffs, Mississippi                 12/28 to 29/1862

Battle of Arkansas Post, Arkansas                                    1/11/1863

Siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi                           5/18 to 7/4/1863

Battle of Jackson, Mississippi                                          7/9 to 16/1863

Battle of Grand Coteau, Louisiana                                   11/3/1863

Battle of Sabine Cross Roads, Louisiana               4/8/1864

Battle of Monetis Bluff, Louisiana                                    4/23/1864

Battle of Forts Gaines and Morgan, Alabama                   8/5 to 23/1864

Battle of Spanish Fort, Alabama                          3/26 to 4/8/1865

Battle of Fort Blakely, Alabama                           4/9/1865

Siege of Mobile, Alabama                                               3/26 to 4/12/1865

Battle of Whistlers Station, Alabama                                4/13/1865                                                        

Other interesting information discovered:

George Samuel Singer was born in Maryland on 9/15/1837. He was married twice. On 3/7/1859 he married Anna Marie Roach in Morrow County, Ohio. Anna died in 1896. George then married Sarah Louise Brady in 1896.  George had four children. George lived in Cardington, Ohio all of his life. He was a farmer and was also employed as a Livery and Drayman. He collected an invalid’s pension on 6/4/1883. Louise collected a widow’s pension on 11/13/1911

Date of Death:  10/27/1911                     Place of burial:  Glendale Cemetery, Cardington, Ohio

Adopted By:  Gompf Funeral Service                                           Researcher:   Velda L Montgomery



Singer, G.S.

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