Stark, D.A.

Soldier:  David A. Stark, second Lieutenant

Regiment:  96th. OVI                             

Company:        C

Age:     19                   

Date Entering Service:  8/19/1862

Period of Service:  1 year 3 months

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed):

Commissioned 1st Lieutenant, rank change to First Lieutenant and Adjutant on 1/26/1863,

Resigned 11/20/1863

Battles in which he fought:

Battle of Chickasaw Bluffs, Mississippi                 12/28 to 29/1862

Battle of Arkansas Post, Arkansas                                   1/11/1863

Siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi                           5/18 to 7/4/1863

Battle of Jackson, Mississippi                                          7/9 to 16/1863

Battle of Grand Coteau, Louisiana                                  11/3/1863

Other interesting information discovered:

David A Stark was born in Ohio on 5/11/1835. He married Margaret A Rees in Morrow County, Ohio on 10/28/1868. David lived in the Cardington and Delaware, Ohio all his life. He was employed as a railroad clerk and a merchant in a feed store.  Margaret collected a widow’s pension on 4/30/1908.

Date of Death:  6/27/1887                     Place of burial:  Oak Grove Cemetery, Delaware, Ohio

Adopted By:                                                      Researcher: Velda L Montgomery

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