Wells, A.W.

Soldier:  Ambrose W. Wells

Regiment:  174tth. OVI             

Company:  C

Age:  25                                               

Date Entering Service:  Sept 3, 1864

Period of Service:  9 months 25 days

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed):

Mustered out June 28, 1865

Battles in which he fought:

Battle of Overall’s Creek                         Dec 4, 1864

Batter of the Cedars                                          Dec 7, 1864

The 1890 Veterans Federal Census reveals that Ambrose Wells was a Saddler in the 1st. Illinois Cavalry, Company E.  He had enlisted on July 7, 1861 and was taken prisoner on October 11, 1861.

Other interesting information discovered:

Ambrose W Wells was born on January 3, 1839 in Richland County, Ohio. At age 65 he married Jenny H Meyers, age 60 on 9/12/1904.   Jenny died in 1919. Ambrose lived to be 91 years old. A newspaper clipping found within the files of Find a Grave stated the following:  “Civil War Man Passes Away: Ambrose Wells dies at Home, Age 91 years. O.S. and S Home 5-17 (Special) Ambrose Wells, 91, Civil War Veteran dies at Soldiers Home at Midnight Tuesday.  Mr. Wells was one of the few men who crossed the Plains to California in the early days and encountered Indian tribes with which he became friendly.”

Date of Death:  5/6/1930                       Place of burial:  Mansfield Cemetery, Mansfield, Oho

Adopted By:  Morrow County Veteran Services               Researcher: Velda L Montgomery


Wells, A.W.

Source URL: https://www.cardingtonlibrary.org/content/wells-aw