White, A.B.

Soldier:  Adelbert B. White

Regiment:  3rd. OVC                 

Company:  M

Age:  18                       

Date Entering Service:  Sept. 8, 1861, at Monroeville, Ohio

Period of Service:  3 years

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed):

Mustered out on November 23, 1864 at Louisville, Ky.

Battles in which he fought:

Corinth, Miss.                                                    Sept. 11, 1862

Mumfordsville, Ky.                                             Sept. 21, 1862

Bardstown, Ky.                                      Oct. 4, 1862

Lexington, Ky.                                                   Oct. 7, 1862

Stone River, Tenn.                                             Dec. 31, 1862

Stewart’s Creek, Tenn.                           Jan. 1, 1863

Middleton, Tenn.                                               Jan. 31, 1863

Chickamauga, Ga.                                             Sept. 19-20, 1863

McMinnville, Tenn.                                            Sept. 28, 1863

Shelbyville, Tenn.                                              Oct. 7, 1863

Decatur, Courtland Rd.,  Ala.                              May 26-27, 1864

Moulton, Ala.                                                    May 28-29, 1864

Noonday Creek, Ga.                                          June 20, 1864

Kenesaw Mt., Ga.                                               June 27, 1864

Vining Station, Ga.                                            July 2, 1864

Peach Tree Creek, Ga.                                        July 20, 1864

Jonesboro, Ga.                                                  Aug. 19-20, 1864

Lovejoy Station, Ga.                                           Aug. 20, 1864

Other interesting information discovered:

A.B. White was born at Cardington, Ohio on May 24, 1843, lived there until possibly the 1870’s.  By 1880 he had moved to Cincinnati, where he remained through his death in 1916.  He was listed as being a hospital nurse.  His father, Horace B. White had also served in the same regiment.  In 1890 A.B. filed for a pension.  In 1926 his wife, Katherine (Davis) filed for a widow’s pension.

Date of Death:  August 30, 1916 Place of burial:  Wesleyan Cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio

Adopted By:  Judge Rob and Sharon Hickson                              Researcher:  Patrick Drouhard

Source URL: https://www.cardingtonlibrary.org/content/white-ab