White, H.B.

Soldier:  Horace B. White

Regiment:  3rd. OVC                 

Company:  M

Age:  50                       

Date Entering Service:  December 11, 1861

Period of Service:  3 years

Remarks (When discharged, re-enlisted, wounded, captured, died of disease or killed):

Died of disease on March 3, 1862;  place unknown

Battles in which he fought:

Horace White died of disease prior to his regiment being engage in any battles.

Other interesting information discovered:

Horace White was born in Peru, NY.  He was doctor prior to entering the service, where he  became a hospital steward.  While he is listed as living in Cardington in 1850, he is shown living in Thornville, Ohio 10 years later.  An 18 year old son, Adelbert served in the same company as his father.

Date of Death:  March 3, 1862    Place of burial:  Glendale Cemetery, Cardington, Ohio

Adopted By:                                                     Researcher:  Patrick Drouhard

Source URL: https://www.cardingtonlibrary.org/content/white-hb