Little Pirate Readers

Little Pirate Readers

Little ones and their caregivers are invited to join the Little Pirate Readers program and read 1,000 books before starting kindergarten or turning 6 years old.  This free, self-paced program is a wonderful way to spend quality time with your child while also providing them with a solid foundation for their future.

1,000 sounds like a lot, but if you read just one picture book a night, you’ll have read over 1,000 books in three years!

Does your child like to hear the same book over and over?  No problem!  Each time you read it counts towards the total.  Books that your child listens to at events like story times at the library or preschool count as well!


How to Participate

  1. Pick up your Little Pirate's reading log at the library or download a copy, found at the bottom of this page.  Each log counts to 100.
  2. Read!  Any book, any where, any time!
  3. Fill out the reading log- color in one circle for each book read (if reading a chapter or other longer book, color in one circle for every 10 minutes read).
  4. Once you and your child complete a reading log, return it to the library for a prize and a new log!
  5. Once you and your child read 1,000 books, come to the library for a special prize and to see your child's picture added to the Little Pirate Readers wall of fame!



Each time your child turns in a reading log, they'll get to collect their prize from the pirate's treasure chest!  Special, additional prizes will be awarded as you reach larger milestones.

200 books- Bookmark

400 books- Book plate in child's favorite library book

600 books- Book

800 books- Little Pirate Readers tote bag

1000 books- Congratulations!  In honor of completing the program, your child will receive:

  • Little Pirate Reader t-shirt,
  • Certificate of completion,
  • and their photo on our Little Pirate Reader Wall of Fame!


More Great Ways to Read:

Let's Read!

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