Hillary Goes to Atlanta

Amy Straube, Jenna Assmus, Laura Pitts, and Hillary ScholzOur Youth Services Librarian, Hillary Scholz, went to Atlanta in January as part of the library's collaboration with YALSA (Young Adult Library Services Association) for Future Ready with the Library.  

"It was a busy two days, filled with great information and amazing networking opportunities. It was wonderful being around so many people in similar situations with the same struggles and challenges. I’m looking forward to partnering with people in the community and getting the ball rolling for our middle school students. I think it’s incredibly important to show our middle schoolers that there are many different paths to take when it comes to colleges and careers. That there is no 'required' or 'superior' path – just the right path for them as individuals. The group of twenty split up into 4 groups of 4 to work together on smaller projects and exercises together." 

Source URL: https://cardingtonlibrary.org/content/hillary-goes-atlanta