Library closes fundraising campaign

We did it! The library has closed the books on the campaign to "Warm the Library with a New Furnace" after raising $8,533. With the help of the Consolidated Electric Foundation, Rands Mechanical, and more than 75 patrons, friends and family, the furnace will be installed in August. We would love to show off our completed project. Please request to see it when you visit the library later this summer. Read on for more about our partners and contributors.

While the original goal was not reached, enough has been raised to complete our project thanks to Scott Azure, Sr., founder and CEO of Rands Mechanical in Cardington, Ohio. Scott has generously offered to install the new HVAC system without charging for his labor. We are truly humbled by his expression of support for libraries. It is thanks to faithful volunteers like Scott that we are able to use our limited funding on children's books and programming rather than building maintenance.

We are also grateful to the Consolidated Electric Foundation for the generous grant of $5,000 through The People Fund. Consolidated Electric has a rich history of giving back to the local community leaving a lasting positive impact by increasing the security, safety, health-awareness and quality of life in our community. To them we give our heartfelt thanks.

We also thank the following individuals and organizations for their support. With so many options for giving, we are so grateful to these friends for choosing the library. Thank you everyone.

Dick Algire American Legion Auxillary Unit 97
Joseph and Hilarie Barry Andy Barlett
Jane Bauder Dorothy Beehner
Scott Bowman Melissa Briski
Trent Brown Tom Cawlely
City of Delaware Parks and Natural Resources City of Delaware Public Works Departments
Bonnie Cooper Barbara Cowles
Mary Lou Dowalter Patrick and Becky Drouhard
Denyse Farrell Janey George
Bill and Vicky Goodman Grand Temple Pythian Sisters of Ohio
Kate Grossman Don and Linda Harvey
Luann Humphrey Megan Krauer
Lancaster High School Book Club Evelyn Long
Patty McAvoy Mindy McGinnis
Mount Gilead Post Office Megan Murray
Dick and Deb Noll Jean Smith
Alexis Spillman Andy Spillman
Brian and Paula Spillman Katherine Spillman
Lisa Stewart Susan Tavenor
Visitors to the Cardington-Lincoln Holiday Bazaar Visitors to the Cardington-Lincoln Public Library
Emily Wahl Tedd Walters


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