GOO Program Coming Soon
The library recently received word that we are the recipients of a grant for Guiding Ohio Online (GOO). While previously an AmeriCorps program, GOO is now exclusively a program of the State Library, supported by LSTA (Library Services and Technology Act) funds. It is focused on rural communities in Ohio, helping these target populations develop digital skills.
Cardington-Lincoln Public Library will be one of the libraries that has a trainer who assists their library with computer instruction, technology-focused community outreach, hands-on help, and other technology related responsibilities. The grant will allow the library to continue, and even grow, our opportunities for technology training and outreach. The program will begin October 1, 2017.
If you have technology questions and concerns, however, don't wait until October. Andy Henry is available and happy to assist you with your technology challenges. He is at the library all day on Wednesdays and he is also available by appointment if Wednesdays do not work for you.