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Setting up an Etsy Account

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Do you create jewelry, knit, or crochet?  Would you like to sell your creations online?   Do you enjoy buying handmade items from around the world?  On Etsy you can buy and sell handmade or vintage items, art and supplies. In this class we will learn how to setup an etsy account to sell or buy items.  Bring your email address and an idea of what you would like to buy or sell.


Please call the library to register for any of our computer classes.

Viruses & Malware

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Learn about malware threats, how to tell if a computer is infected, and how to install and use a high quality free antivirus program.


Please call the library to register for any of our computer classes.

the NOOK® App

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Did you know that Overdrive offers Free Periodicals via the NOOK® App?  OverDrive Periodicals is a collection of more than 1,000 popular digital magazines and newspapers available for lending on the same website as your eBooks, audiobooks and streaming video. All you need to borrow periodicals is a valid library card, a NOOK® account, the freeNOOK® app (available for all major devices, including iPhone®, iPad®, Android™ and Windows® 8) or a NOOK® tablet.

In our class we will review how to setup and use the NOOK® app and download Free magazines or Newspapers.

Programming Basics

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Are you interested in learning how to program?  Have kids that want to get into the IT industry.  In our programming basics class we will be learning basic programming skills.  Students must have basic computer knowledge.


Please call the library to register for any of our computer classes.


  Dates & times
  Age Groups


WebMD is a free and fairly reliable source of news and advice on a variety of health-related topics.  This class will go over how to use WebMD to check your symptoms and find a reliable source for common aches and ailments.  


Please call the library to register for any of our computer classes.

Alternatives to TV

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


Cable and Satellite are expensive.  Do you know there are many alternatives to standard cable TV?  Netflix, Hulu, Sling and so much more.  The class will cover these different type of services and what channels/movies they will provide.  


Please call the library to register for any of our computer classes.

Photography Series 1

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


In this series we will take pictures at a local park, edit the pictures at the library and present the pictures to the class.  Learn new techniques on taking great pictures.  Edit with easy free software and learn how to share these pictures with your family and friends.  


Please call the library to register for any of our computer classes.

Photography Series 2

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


In this series we will take pictures at a local park, edit the pictures at the library and present the pictures to the class.  Learn new techniques on taking great pictures.  Edit with easy free software and learn how to share these pictures with your family and friends.  


Please call the library to register for any of our computer classes.

Photography Series 3

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


In this series we will take pictures at a local park, edit the pictures at the library and present the pictures to the class.  Learn new techniques on taking great pictures.  Edit with easy free software and learn how to share these pictures with your family and friends.  


Please call the library to register for any of our computer classes.

Wordpress 101

  Dates & times
  Age Groups


 Students will learn how to customize their Wordpress blog more or use WordPress to create a more robust website. We will explore creating pages, static homepages, custom menus, and integrating social media with your WordPress site.  A local blogger will be in attendance to discuss visibility and getting the word out.


Please call the library to register for any of our computer classes.