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Stacks of books to either side of a blank space
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Voter Registration

Vote Ohio Secretary of State flyer

Exercise your democratic muscles!  The library is an official voter and absentee registration location.  Pick up and fill out the necessary forms, then return them to a library staff member or take them directly to the Morrow County Board of Elections. 

Tax Forms

The library provides tax forms at no cost but we are only able to offer the most basic federal forms and instructions in print. We can reproduce most other federal forms from a binder or help you find them online. State, school district, and other local forms are available online only.

Staff is not trained to give tax advice but we are happy to assist you in finding the forms online. 


Internet Access

The Library offers several ways to access the internet for free. 

Internet at the Library: Public Access Computers and Wi-Fi

You can access the internet on one of our public computers, located in the Adult and Youth areas.  To log in to a public computer, simply use your library card number for the User ID and your library card PIN for the password.  If you don't have a library card through us or another COOL library, you can request a guest pass at the Circulation Desk.