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Library of Things

What is a library of things, you ask?

The CLPL library of things is where we keep non-traditional library items that can be checked out.  We currently offer WiFi hot spots, tablets, bicycles, and kill-a-watt meters.  Keep checking back as we add more items!

WiFi Hotspots and Tablets

1. You must be at least 18 years old to check out a WiFi hotspot or tablet.  You cannot have more than $10 in fines on your account.  Your account must be more than 90 days old.

Navigating Our Collection

All fiction books in our collection are organized alphabetically by the author's last name, then by the title of the book (if the author has multiple books).  The call number, located on the spine of the book, for adult books will start with "FIC."

Books with call numbers that begin with a "J” are geared towards readers ages 0-12 and are found in the Youth Room.  Books that begin with "YA" are geared towards ages 13-18 are in the Young Adult, or "YA," section of the Youth Room.

Home Delivery Service

Home Delivery Service

Cardington-Lincoln Public Library offers Home Delivery Service to residents who reside within the Cardington-Lincoln Local School district who are physically unable to make it into the library, such as senior citizens, home-bound patrons, and patrons with young children or who provide in-home daycare services.&nbsp