Jobs & Continuing Education
Typing Club
Learn touch typing for free. It really doesn't take much to learn, a few minutes a day for one to two weeks and you will be a pro! Keep practicing each lesson until you get all five stars.
From Microsoft Office, tp email, reading, math, and more—GCFGlobal offers free learning resources on more than 200 topics, including more than 2,300 lessons and more than 2,000 videos. For almost 20 years, the GCFGlobal program has helped millions around the world learn the essential skills they need to live and work in the 21st century by offering self-paced online courses.
Northstar Digital Literacy
Need to brush up on your basic computer skills or learn a new one? Northstar Digital Literacy identifies basic skills needed to perform tasks on computers and online and offers online, self-guided lessons to improve your mastery of these skills. Create an account to save your progress, all you need to get started is an email address.
Vocational & Carreer Collection
Vocational & Career Collection offers vocational and technical libraries top-quality resources covering a variety of relevant subjects that include:
- Automotive
- Construction
- Computers
- Engineering
- Finance
- Food service
- Health
- Nursing
- Marketing
- Real estate
- Retail
- Technology
Professional Development Collection
Professional Development Collection includes full text for high-quality education journals and reports.
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition provides researchers, allied health professionals, nurses and medical educators with access to full-text scholarly journals focusing on many medical disciplines. It provides indexing, abstracts and full-text for hundreds of nursing and allied health journals, many of which are peer-reviewed.
Explora for Educators
Full-text articles from thousands of academic journals and professional magazines on a wide variety of educational topics to support educator professional development. Includes lesson plans, curriculum standards, and more.
This interface lets you search the following EBSCO databases, all at the same time: Academic Search Premier, Computer Source, ERIC, Professional Development Collection, and Teacher Reference Center.
LearningExpress Library
Career preparation; Workforce Skills for 21st Century Success; high school equivalency center; college admissions test preparation; school center; adult core skills; computer skills center and more.