Mango Languages
Mango is the only personalized, adaptive language-learning experience that provides the tools and guidance you need to expand your language skills however and wherever you learn best. Get started today!
Mango is the only personalized, adaptive language-learning experience that provides the tools and guidance you need to expand your language skills however and wherever you learn best. Get started today!
Welcome to Early Learning by World Book, the premier online resource for preschoolers and children in the early elementary grades. Developed with experts on early childhood education and guided by evidence-based practices of reading instruction, Early Learning offers rich resources designed for easy integration into the classroom curriculum, public library programming, or learning at home.
Banco de Contenidos aulaPlaneta es una base de datos integral en español diseñada para hablantes nativos de español, estudiantes bilingües y participantes de
Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos - Cette base de données dédiée en espagnol contient des vidéos, des fonctionnalités de comparaison et de contraste, des articles sélectionnés et un dictionnaire visuel pour permettre aux étudiants d'anglais langue seconde et aux apprenants d'espagnol d'apprendre. Intégré à World Book Kids pour un contenu parallèle en anglais.
Career preparation; Workforce Skills for 21st Century Success; high school equivalency center; college admissions test preparation; school center; adult core skills; computer skills center and more.
Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos: esta base de datos dedicada en español contiene videos, características de comparación y contraste, artículos seleccionados y un diccionario visual para permitir que los estudiantes de ESL y los estudiantes de español tengan la oportunidad de aprender. Integrado con World Book Kids para contenido paralelo en inglés.