The library offers free technology assistance from our on-site Digital Literacy Trainer. Our trainer can help you learn a new skill or assist with a problem and troubleshoot what the issue is. One-on-one appointments can be scheduled or just drop in and ask for assistance. Contact our trainer by phone at 419-864-8181 ext. 104, or stop by the library.
This project was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the State Library of Ohio.
Need to brush up on your basic computer skills or learn a new one?
Northstar Digital Literacy identifies basic skills needed to perform tasks on computers and online and offers online, self-guided lessons to improve your mastery of these skills. Create an account to save your progress, all you need to get started is an email address. Have questions? Get 1:1 assistance with these modules from our Digital Literacy Trainer.
Once you've mastered the modules, you can take a proctored assessment to earn a certificate to demonstrate your knowledge.
Want to see where your tech skills currently stand? Take the assessments first and then complete the necessary lessons. Assessments can be taken without creating an account.
Click here to get started today!
Check out these other free online learning resources:
Learning Express - Career preparation; Workforce Skills for 21st Century Success; high school equivalency center; college admissions test preparation; school center; adult core skills; computer skills center and more.
Goodwill Community Foundation - Learn and develop the skills needed to advance in work and life. Study reading, math, and technology subjects; GED practice; resume writing; workplace skills; career planning and more. - Quill provides free writing and grammar activities for all ages.
Khan Academy - Math; science & engineering; computing; arts & humanities; economics & finance; test prep; college, careers & more.
Typing Club - Learn touch typing online with 650+ typing courses, games, tests and more.