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Martindale, H.C. |
Marvin. J.W. |
Mathena, Joseph |
Maxwell, James |
Maxwell, Johnson |
Maxwell, Melville |
Maxwell, W.S. |
May, Oscar |
McClain, I.T. |
McClarey, Daniel |
McClure, Thos. |
McDonald, Alfred |
McQuistain, Thos. |
McWhirk, G.B. |
Meeker, B.J. |
Meeker, M |
Miller, A.G. |
Miller, Chas. |
Miller, I.C. |
Miller, J.N. |
Miller, L.R. |
Milligan, S.L. |
Mills, John |
Mills, R.T. |
Minor, E.B. |
Minor, H.C. |
Mishey, John |
Monroe, Byron |
Moore, A.P. |
Morey, Cyrus |
Morton, Robert |
Mortram, John |
Myers, John |
Myers, Warner |
Nicholas, E.C. |
Nichols, J.W. |
Nichols, Melville |
Nixon, Levi |
Norris, H.J. |
Nulk, Henry |
O'Rourke, Thomas |
O'Shay, Timothy |
Oldfield, C.O |
Oliver, H. |
Oliver, J.N. |
Oliver, S.M. |
Oliver, W.G. |
Opper, George |
Pancoast, William |
Patterson, J.D. |
Payne, S.W. |
Pearl, James |
Pepper, Edward |
Phelps, F.R. |
Pollock. H.H. |
Poorman, W.H. |
Powers, E.M. |
Powers, John |
Powers, P.T. |
Purvis, George |
Purvis, M.B. |
Purvis, P.B. |
Purvis, Theodore |
Reasoner, John |
Reed, Dexter |
Reed, G.W. |
Reed, Joseph |
Reichelderfer, Levi |
Reid, Bryant |
Reid, Edwin |
Richards, John |
Richenburger, Martin |
Rigby, Henry |
Rigby, Thos. |
Rinehart, Henry |
Roach, J.A. |
Roach, S.P. |
Robinson, Lewis |
Rodgers, M.G. |
Rose, A.J. |
Rose, D.C. |
Rose, Edward |
Rose, W.N. |
Rowan, D.D. |
Russell, O.P. |
Sanderson, Henry |
Scott, G.M. |
Shackleford, J.H. |
Shanlaub, John |
Sharp, Addison |
Shaw, H.J. |
Sherman, Amos |
Sherman, Fortunate |
Sherman, Madison |
Shreve, E.D. |
Shunk, T.E. |
Singer, G.S. |
Sipe, Christopher |
Sipes, Isaaih |
Skinner, Henry |
Slack, L.P. |
Smith, F.M. |
Smith, G.W. |
Smith, H.D. |
Smith, H.J. |
Smith, M.M. |
Sour, E. |
Spear, Daniel |
St. Clair, R.A. |
St. John, James |
Stanley, F.C. |
Stanley, J.M. |
Stanton, Orrin |
Stark, D.A. |
Steiner, Wm. |
Sterner, H.H. |
Stiles, J.M. |
Stiles,G.P. |
Swisher, Alonzo |
Taylor, James |
Thomas, Jesse |
Thomas, R.M. |
Thompson, Chester |
Tyler, B.F. |
Tyler, F.M. |
Underwood, R.M. |
Van Horn, Simon |
Van Horn, Soloman |
Van Horn, W.H. |
Van Sickle, S. |
Vincent, Michael |
Wagner, Jerimiah |
Wallace, W.F. |
Watson, James |
Weider, D.P. |
Wells, A.W. |
White, A.B. |
White, H.B. |
White, J.B. |
White, N.C. |
Willets,W.P. |
Williams, W.E. |
Willits, C.N. |
Willits, Wm. |
Wilson, G.D. |
Wilson, I.C. |
Wilson, P.D. |
Wilson, William C. |
Winebar, E. |
Wood, J.M. |
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